Seven Ways to Avoid Norovirus Infection

1. Wash Hands: Many infections can be prevented by simply washing your hands. After using the restroom or changing a diaper, wash your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial hand soap. If soap is unavailable, use a hand sanitizer. Since it's easy to catch a virus from a child, parents should carry hand sanitizing wipes or liquid gel in their child's diaper bag. People who do not regularly wash their hands are more likely to become infected with norovirus. Because the virus is extremely contagious, it's spreads very quickly.

2. Stay Away from Ill Persons: If you suspect that a household member or friend has norovirus, limit contact with this person. You can catch norovirus infection by touching a contaminated surface. Plus, the virus is airborne. With this said, it's common for the infection to spread rapidly in school dormitories, homes, hospitals, and cruise ships.
3. Wash Fruits and Vegetables: Many persons infected with norovirus continue to go about their normal daily routine, which can include working and shopping. The best way to protect self is to wash all fruits and vegetables before eating. It's easy for someone with the virus to visit the local grocery store or farmer's market and contaminate several food items.
4. Disinfect Home: Fortunately, norovirus only lasts for 24-72 hours. However, the ill person can contaminate several surfaces within this short period. To prevent recurrent illnesses, disinfect the home with Lysol or Clorox spray. The best places to disinfect include the bathroom, doorknobs, tables, chairs, etc.
5. Disinfect Linen and Clothing: Remove all bed linen and wash immediately. Since the virus is airborne, keeping contaminated sheets and comforters on the bed may delay healing or cause other people to become illness. Once the linen is removed, disinfect the bed. Also, do not toss dirty or contaminated clothing in the hamper - wash them immediately.
6. Clean Vomit Quickly: One of the first symptoms of norovirus is vomiting. Sometimes, the ill person isn't able to make it to the bathroom. Clean vomit quickly, and keep others away from the contaminated area. On a non-carpeted surface, wash the floors at least twice to kill germs. If the surface contains carpet, clean and disinfect the area with spray. To be on the safe side, have the carpets professionally cleaned.
7. Stay Home: If you're sick with norovirus - stay home. The symptoms vary, but most people experience diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, headache, fatigue, and a low-grade fever.

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