Freelance Writing Myths

Writer's Resources....

Know What You're Getting Into

If you want to be a freelance writer...I say write. But at the same time, you need to know the truth about freelance writing. Some people think it's the easiest job. In turn, they think anyone can do it. What's sad, some people who hire freelancers don't have respect for the profession, which is why you'll commonly stumble upon low-paying opportunities that target stay at home moms and people who desperately need to make extra money.

Freelance Writing Myth #1: Anyone can be a freelance writer.

I used to believe this myth. Now that I've been a freelance writer for six years, I completely disagree. Writing isn't for everyone. There's a difference between knowing how to write, and knowing how to write well. Non-writers mistakenly believe that writing is an easy job that anyone can do. Hence, many people with so-so writing abilities look for writing opportunities. Those who become successful do so because they're willing to improve their skills. Those who don't take the time to brush up on their grammar and writing normally give up.

Freelance Writing Myth #2: You need a college degree.

Different companies (print and online) hire writer's without college degrees. So you don't need a degree to freelance. The decision to complete a degree really depends on the direction you want to go. Because I've always wanted to be a writer and I love English, I decided to complete an English/journalism degree. Besides, I didn't want to limit myself. I enjoy freelancing, but who knows, I may decide to become a journalist or get into publishing.

Freelance Writing Myth #3: Freelance writers can't earn a full-time income.

The truthfulness of this statement depends on you. Freelance writers are able to make a full-time income. Unfortunately, some freelancers work morning, night, and weekends to make ends meets. The key to being a freelancer who earns a full-time income is picking jobs that pay well. You've got to hit the job boards, create a good cover letter, and sell yourself.

In addition, learn how to work fast. You may find a job that pays $15 per short article, which isn't bad. Complete two an hour and you're averaging $30 an hour. On the other hand, if it takes you two hours or more to complete the piece, it's not worth it.

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