Put Down the Computer and Get Your Life Back

Writer's Resources...

How to Balance a Freelance Writing Career?

Writing is more than just a job for me. I enjoy writing, and before I became a freelance writer, it was a favorite pastime. Now that I've turned my hobby into a job, I have to remind myself to take a step back. Freelance writing is a great work at home career because you can earn unlimited income, set your own hours, and work from any location. The perks are fabulous. Yet, this type of career can be a catch-22.

Freelance writing is addictive - if you let it take over your life. In the beginning, I worked at a desktop in our home office. The room didn't have cable TV, nor a great view. Therefore, I would use the room solely for work. However, once I got a laptop....everything changed. I could work from any room in the house, and I did. I could be in front of the television on out on the back patio.

Unfortunately, the extra convenience made it harder for me to put down the computer. If I was bored or couldn't find anything on television - no problem - I would write. While most people use the evenings and weekends to spend with family, I would sit on the couch next to my husband with my computer in tow. Even if I wasn't actually working, I would surf the net for blog topics or conduct article research. Plus, I could spend hours in discussion forums.

Now, I've got it under control, and all it took was a schedule.
I decided to limit the hours I work during the day, and I completely turn off the computer at 9 p.m. And I don't mean sleep mode, since it's too tempting to check e-mail or sneak a peak at the job boards.

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