Make More Money as a Freelance Writer

Writer's Resources...

Trade-in Slave Wages for Higher Paying Jobs

Within the past couple of days, I've stumbled upon several blog posts that encourage freelance writers to accept better wages in 2008. I can't express how much I agree with this sentiment. Writing isn't always easy. Sure, you'll occasionally come across the perfect gig. It'll be on a topic you love, and the pay great! Yet, these opportunities are far in-between. When the opportunities don't roll in, a few freelancers are tempted to accept low-paying opportunities. Low-paying is different for everyone. However, I think we can all agree that $3 for 500 words is comparable to slave wages. It can take an hour or more to craft a quality piece.

Although I've never accepted a gig this low, I said goodbye to low-paying opportunities four years ago. I'll admit - there were times of desperation where I wrote keyword articles for $5 a pop. But, the word count was low (between 200 and 300 words), and I could produce three to five articles an hour.

Web content is consistent, and the payout is quick. Yet, I've decided to take my business to the next level. My new year goal - make more money in 2008. I would love to take a step back from web content and focus on magazine writing. To accomplish this goal, I've resolved to mail at least one query letter a week - possibly more!

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