Freelance Writing Tips - October 4, 2007

Writer's Resources...

Would You Make a Good Freelance Writer?

If you enjoy writing and you want to start a work at home career, you've likely considered freelance writing. While this type of work allows a flexible schedule, and the opportunity to earn unlimited income, freelance writing isn't a good match for everyone. Successful writers, or at least those who are able to earn a living, must patrol the job boards regularly and aggressively apply for jobs. You'll also have to weed through a massive pile of low-paying opportunities and deal with "hard-to-please" clients. Slow-paying clients can become a big issue, and many freelance writing contracts are short-term, wherein you'll have to continually seek new opportunities. New writers are often discouraged by the lack of steady employment and insulting pay. However, for the few that stick it out and look for better paying and more enjoyable opportunities, a writing career is rewarding. Work from anywhere in the world, make your own schedule, and control your income. Plus, a freelance writing career is one of the best ways to learn about unfamiliar topics.

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