Freelance Writing Tips - August 9, 2007

Writer's Resources...

Should You Accept "Non-Paying" Writing Jobs?

I make a habit of patrolling Craigslist and other freelance writing boards on a daily basis, and I occasionally come across a great job post. The required article word count is short, which lets me produce more content within a specific time frame, and the subject matter is within my niche. As I continue to read the ad I'll come across two little words, "non-paying gig." As a professional who earns a living as a freelance writer, I can't afford to waste time or research energy on a non-paying job. I accepted a non-paying assignment once, and promised never to do it again. I was a new writer and wanted published clips. However, after five hours of research, actual writing, and editing, I decided to decline the job, and submitted the piece to another publication. It sold - and I made $100!

Think about it this way, even if you aren't getting paid for an assignment - someone is profiting from the work. I've seen non-paying job posts for SEO web content. Since this content is designed to drive traffic to a particular website, the person requesting the content likely earns $100 or more per day in sales or adsense revenue. Meanwhile, the writer who spent several hours ghostwriting the content doesn't earn a penny.

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