Freelance Writing Tips - August 16, 2007

Writer's Resources...

The Big Break is Coming!

I've wanted to be a writer since high school. Not just any kind of writer, but a freelance writer. I knew that a career as a freelance writer would allow me to work from home, set my own hours, and choose my own writing assignments. Besides, I could make more money as a freelancer than working as a staff writer for a local newspaper. Getting published was hard. I didn't have any real experience. Many job posters wanted to see "published" clips, which was aggravating. If no one ever gives me a chance, how can I have published clips? After two years of pitching article ideas to magazine and querying children book publishers, I discovered the many opportunities available on the web. I wasn't familiar with web copywriting, but decided to give it a chance. Getting hired for a web content assignment was much easier, but the pay wasn't as high as magazine and other print markets. I don't consider web copywriting my big break, but it did open the door to future assignements, which include a few published articles in national publications.

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